Evolutions Volleyball Beach Rules

Evolutions Volleyball Beach Rules |
Scoring Rally Scoring to 21 (1 point scored for every sideout). Switch sides every 7 points. One point will be awarded for each match won in the standings. The Team Captains are responsible for recording the score of each game in the match and fill the score sheets before leaving the beach. |
Game Time Games start at 6:00pm. No Games will start after 8pm. |
Format Round Robin: 3 teams at a net Team: 1 plays 2 First 2 teams to show up are Teams 1 and 2, start play.  If there is a forfeit, total 1 point per win. Up to a total of 6. Again, make sure you mark winners & hand in score sheets before you leave the beach. LAST LOSING TEAM BRINGS IN THE ROPES AT THE END OF THE NIGHT. |
Playoffs Top 16 teams in each division make Playoffs. |
Weather Volleyball is rarely cancelled due to weather. It does not usually rain all day long. We will not start a game in heavy rain but once it is started we will finish it.If a league night is going to be cancelled, please check the HOMEPAGE or NOTICE BOARD of this website for a Cancellation Notice. We will also send out emails in case of cancellation. |
Serving Net serves are allowed (the ball is allowed to contact the net on the serve). Therefore there is only 1 toss per service attempt. A server may serve the ball from anywhere along the baseline. |
Beach Digs and Sets on the first team contact It is illegalin beach rules to double contact the first team hit if you use your fingers to direct the ball UNLESS the ball is hard-driven. When determining if the ball is hard driven one should ask “did the defender have time to play the ball in any other fashion?”Other double contacts (that do not use the fingers to direct the ball) are all legal on the first ball provided they occur in one attempt to play the ball. You can use open-palm “beach digs” which momentarily lift or push the ball if you are defending a hard-driven ball (i.e. attacked ball, or fast-moving ball off a block), and as stated previously, it’s okay to use a hand setting action. If the ball isn’t hard driven, that set has to be nectar since no double contact is allowed. If the ball is hard driven, a double contact is allowed and such a set needn’t be pretty at all–on hard-driven balls, a momentary lift is permissible as is a double contact. CHARACTERISTICS OF THE HIT Evolutions & EEVB Interpretation: |
Hands There is a common misconception that hand sets can be judged based on the number of rotations by the ball in the air. No such criterion has appeared in any recognized beach volleyball rule set in recent history. The USAV Beach volleyball rule book clarifies this matter:Rotation of a set ball may indicate a held ball or multiple contacts during the set but in itself is not a fault. It’s also worth noting that the Volley America and AVP has followed the trend of the FIVB and USAV in loosening up on hand setting calls. The purpose of this change is to encourage longer rallies, and decrease the number of rallies decided by the officials. Even so, we encourage you to call your own mishandled sets! |
Oversets Balls cannot be deliberately overset unless the ball goes forward or backward perpendicular to the player’s position as determined by shoulder and foot position. Balls can be set over the net if unintentional; referees will determine the setter’s intent. |
No open hand tips For 2′s 3′s and 4′s competition only:One-handed placement or redirection of the ball with the fingers (a “dink” or “open-hand tip”) is a fault. The ball must be hit cleanly with the hand, straight locked fingers, or knurled fingers. |
Net Ball Players may not touch the net at any time during play (if you touch the net, it is the other teams ball). Players cannot interfere with a ball that is hit into the net from the other side. It is legal for a ball to hit a player through the net. However, if the player deliberately touches a ball hit into the net from the other side, a net violation will be assessed. A player may pass under the net (the imaginary centre line) without violation, as long as they do not touch anyone on the other team or interfere with the play or get in the way of the opposition. A player is then allowed to return to their own side and the play continues. Please avoid doing this when possible to eliminate the possibility of injury. |
Shanked Balls Players may run through an opponent’s court to play a shanked ball but they may not interfere with players on the opposite side of the court. Such a ball must be passed back into play without crossing the net. A ball may only cross the net once in the 3 hits allowed to a team. |
Player Rotations Rotate new players in before your team starts a new server. |
Court Etiquette Please keep the courts safe for all players. Beach chairs along the end of the courts are permitted, but please be careful of obstructing courts and creating a hazard to player’s safety. |
Links to Other Resources: USA Volleyball’s guide to conducting outdoor tournaments A must-read for tournament directors. Includes tournament draws, pool arrangements and playing formats packed into only 4 pages! The official rulebooks of USA Volleyball are now available on-line! The rec.sport.volleyball newsgroup frequently asked question (FAQ) list A must-read from Volleyball Worldwide. Volleyball Worldwide Rules Page Includes links to FIVB rules on-line, TOC of USAV rule books, full text of AVP rules, and ordering information for various rule books. |